
How To Draw Jace Wayland Step By Step

fabt: fan art brought together

04 October 2014 @ 08:48 pm

A fun project done by Tara. She drew scenes from the entire Mortal Instruments serries to a song of Ilse DeLange, namely the song: The Great Escape. Tara's work can be found on tumblr:

( Due to its lenght hidden behind this cut ...Collapse  )

fabt: fan art brought together

23 September 2014 @ 10:45 pm

First up a drawing from kara-lija. For more work off kara-lija, I kindly direct you to kara-lija's deviantART:

Love the warm glow this drawing emits thanks to its colors. Not too fond of Jace here. I feel like his face has been drawn too sharp. But I do like Clary and their position. Clary on top of Jace. Her legs positioned around Jace's upper body and her hands pushing lightly against his chest to keep him in place. Her hair is coloured fantasticaly and I like how it is long and wavy. It feels firey. Also like how her face is done. Her full lips, thick but not too much standing out eyebrow and her eye, not to mention the soft and loving regard she sends Jace. Jace looks lovingly back at her too. And look, she still has Jace's Shadowhunter's ring on a necklace around her neck. Cool detail.
Pretty drawing!
By the way, notice also Jace's armpit hair and more importantly, the start on his stomach under his navel leading down ... Sexy!

Next up Jace alone from bro0017. She can be found on deviantART on this page:

Jace's face looks a bit strange, maybe a bit too young or so for the rest of his posture that demands a more mature facial expression, but the rest is wickedly cool done. I like his outfit. The hoodie used to hide his features lightly. the sword hilt you can see from the weapon strapped to his back. His gloves. The buckles ... He looks trully like a protector who sticks to the shadows. Very cool. The alley background si also superbly done. All in all a neat drawing.
By the way, notice how his name is "Wayland" here. This drawing was obviously done at the beginning of the serie "The Mortal Instruments" when everyone still believed him to be a "Wayland". Now we know better ...

And back to kara-lija for some more Jace/Clary loving. Remember, kara-lija has an account on deviantART:

Very sexy and hot. I love the intamicy this work communicates. Jace craddeling Clary's body to his chest, and look how gentle and careful he does this as if he feels like Clary is made of glass and will shatter if he uses too much force. Clary's head twisting in Jace's direction. Her hand on his arm not to push the arm away but to hold him there. Their foreheads touching, lips leaning in towards that unevitable kiss. This drawing just screams LOVE! Perfect! Oh an notice how this time around Jace is wearing his Shadowhunter ring around his neck.

fabt: fan art brought together

12 September 2014 @ 11:02 pm

Cassandra Jean. Find more delicious art of her on her tumblr page:

Love the idea of the crossover between The Mortal Instruments and The X-men. Clary and Jace look good in the X-men outfits, no? We can't argue for once with Jace's confidence concerning his looks. Love Clary's wink and how the "mutant" power that shoots out of her hands is drawn in the form of a rune. Of course Jace controls Heavenly Fire. Let's just hope he does it here better than in the books, LOL. Yep, this is duo I wouldn't mind being saved by ...
Cute and lovely idea and beautiful executed.

Next work is from the hands off walkingnorth. Visit her and her fabulous art on the following tumblr page:

Adorable, right? Such sweeties! I love how they are holding hands and how Clary is looking forward excited and eager, all ready for what ever adventure will come on their path whilst Simon is looking at Clary, checking whether his bestie is still okay. The rain is a lovely added bonus and gorgeous used colors. By the way, look at Simon's small pair of glasses! So cute! Defenitely a work made of WIN!

And some baneme. Enjoy more off baneme on the next tumblr page:

Max and Alec. Look at that height difference! It just drives home so clearly how big of an age gap there was between the two brothers. Max is of course clutching a book and from the way he is holding it, it looks like the book would be read from back to cover which would make it a manga ... Max' favourite kind of reading material. He actually kinda makes me think of a little Harry Potter like this, LOL. Adore the sweet regard Alec sends his little brother and how his hands rests on Max' shoulder whilst his other hand is the pocket of his pair of pants. Alec looks very relaxed here, like he can be himself around Max and doesn't need to hide part of himself. I like that. I always felt like Alec and Max' relationship wasn't that grand. Alec being too busy watching out for his little brother and protecting him and keeping him away from danger with no time left for just regular, normal interaction like sharing interests with Max and Jace replacing Alec more as a big brother to Max with the blond boy having the time to do fun things with Max that his real brother had no time for. But it is nice to see a drawing that suggests otherwise. I admit it.

fabt: fan art brought together

26 August 2014 @ 11:15 pm

So ... anybody missed me? Sorry. Renvations took longer than expected. Hopefully we can get back to normal now ...

From sloth who can be found on tumblr:

Lovely ain't it? So sweet. Love the intensity in Alec's facial expression and with which he grabs Magnus. The drawing was made whilst reading book 6 so who wants to bet that this is the part where Alec tells Magnus he doesn't want to go back to Idris without Magnus. That he doesn't want the world but only wants Magnus. Love also the toned down wardrobe of Magnus. It makes him look more mature in a way. Really lovely drawing.

From Cassandra Jean and discovered on Cassandra Jean's tumblr page:

Sophie scolding Gideon for all the extra work he gives her ... A true romance is born, LOL. Love how sheepish Gideon looks. No wondering who is wearing the pants in that relationship, LOL.

From The Infernal Devices Clockwork Princess written by Cassandra Clare:

'So you lied?' Seizing up her fallen cap, Sophie rose to her feet. 'Do you have any idea how much work I have to do, Mr. Lightwood?'

Also Cassandra Jean and found on her tumblr page:

Gabriel, lovely bloody. I like his fierce expression and his clothes. He looks yummy like this.

Out off The Infernal Devices Clockwork Princess written by Cassandra Clare:

Gabriel Lightwood leaned against the wall inside the Institute doors, his jacket gone, his shirt and trousers drenched in blood.

Drei SJ is behind the next tableau. You can find more of her work here on tumblr:

Gabriel and Cecily taking together Gabriel's father out who has transformed into a giant worm demon. Well Benedict has looked better. Look at those sharp teeth and all that slime ... Bbbrrr, let this be a warning not to have sex with Lilith. The consequences are dire ...
Look at that determined yet sad face of Gabriel. He knows what needs to be done ... even if it means killing his own father. The wounds on his arm and face show how fierce the battle is. Super.
Cecily jumping on the back of the worm and stabbing it with a seraph blade. This earned her Gabriel's admiration cause she hadn't had much Shadowhunter training yet by then. See also how serious her facial expression is. She is concentrated. There is no room for errors.
Really adore this three piece. Beautiful representation of an emotion and action packed filled scene. Love it to bits.

Let's return to Cassandra Jean This drawing and more can be seen on her tumblr page:

Adore how Jace is crouching beside Clary and how his arms are loosely wrapped around Clary's leg. Adore also how they are both barefoot and how Clary wears shorts and a black top with no sleeves. It suits her. And lovely contrast with Jace's long pair of trousers and his T-shirt with sleeves. Wonder if his angel wings ripped the back of his black shirt. Also like how Clary's hand is behind Jace's head and is probably playing with his blond locks. Beautiful drawing. And lovely used lettertype for the book title and of course the angel wings were added to represent the Heavenly Fire and Angel blood housing within Jace during book six. Neat!

fabt: fan art brought together

Some drawings from baneme. More off baneme can be found on the following tumblr page:

Jace and Will facing the ferocious rubber ducky. Why do I have a feeling Magnus put it there? LOL
Love the shine that was drawn around the rubber ducky. It truly beams in all its glory. Jace and Will's facial expression is superb - loathing and kill-mode - and I love how they are standing in a similar pose. They truly are family and suffering from the same fear, LOL. Adore Will's little tie. Magnus peeking in is a cute, extra detail.

Poor Clary, LOL. Getting pulled on her hair like that by Alec whilst being assaulted by Jace's self-love on the other side, LOL. Jace truly is head over heels for her whilst Alec is non too happy at all with the sudden coup de foudre his parabatai has experienced. High time we introduce a Magnus for Alec before all of Clary's hair will be pulled out, LOL. Love the boy's facila expression and the idea behind the drawing. Definitely cute.

Ahaha, no wondering who is calling Alec "Hon!" and who is behind the shirt. Magnus is staking his claim. And Alec sure looks like he has no idea why the shirt is needed or why that text is on his shirt. If only he knew how hot he is!
Adore how his hand is making the shirt ride up a bit and shows off some naked skin like this.
Very cute and very Alec-like drawing. I adore it! Clueless Alec about his own hotness is made of WIN! Perfect!

fabt: fan art brought together

Cassandra Jean. Art of Cassandra Jean can be viewed through her tumblr page:

The parabatai ceremony done for Julian and Emma. Three rings of fire. You step from your individual ring into the shared ring, share the oath and draw the parabatai rune on each other.
I think the ritual looks very cool and the meaning behind being parabatai is so deep and beautiful ... It is a gorgeous concept. And just imagine all the parabatais we have come to known doing this ceremony! Ah, I just wanna squeal!
Emma and Kulian look so grown up here and you can see from their facial expressions that they take the oath and ritual very serious. And Julian lifting his shirt and indicating where he wants his parabatia rune ... Wonderful. I love how he choses where he wants the rune to be placed and that Emma doesn't go against that wish. Wonder where she will take hers ...
But gorgeous. And I wonder if Emma's steel is the one she got from Jace as a parting gift ...
A truly beautiful drawn scene. I love it!

And speaking of past and present parabatai ...

The collage was made by readingandfangirling but the used art is all Cassandra Jean's.

This is a very lovely and wonderful idea. It is nice to see them grouped together like this and Cassandra Jean has such gorgeous art that of course her drawings are a superb idea to use.
So ... can you name them all? From top to bottom and left to right: James Herondale and Matthew Fairchild, Jace Herondale and Alexander 'Alec' Lightwood, James 'Jem' Carstairs and William 'Will' Herondale, Emma Carstairs and Julian 'Jules' Blacthorn, Michael Wayland and Robert Lightwood.

fabt: fan art brought together

Cute idea based on the idea voiced in City of Heavenly Fire that Simon named his band: "The Mortal Instruments". Here we have some of the main characters of the books in an AU where they are part of that very band ...

Drawing and idea is from walkingnorth. Visit walkingnorth on tumblr:

First off, let me say that I am not a fan of Simon and Clary here. She seems to have a piercing in her chin and that feels out of character for her to me. Simon looks too out of character with his earring and ring through his lip ...
I like Jace as the singer and how he and Clary are drawn glancing at each other. Clary is also a singer in the band if that wasn't obvious but I am sure you already noticed. Love Jace's lightly ripped shirt, his leather jacket and how he has a rune drawn on his black glove. Isabelle as the drummer, lovely! And she has her ruby pendant on.
Alec, gorgeous. Blue eyes that stand out and I adore the rune necklace. The cold off, closed facial expression suits him. And a guitar for him? Wicked! By the way, he got also a microphone. Notice how Simon didn't get one ... well the boy can't sing so perhaps that is for the best, LOL.
And then Magnus ... Their manager? Clothing advisor? In any case, it is Magnus! His asian features, his longer spiked black hair, bronzen skin, the golden long earrings and the wicked cool jacket ... No mistake here. This can only be the hot and wonderful Magnus Bane!
The colours used are superbly chosen and I love how the feel of music was created by the swirly lines around them. The play with light and darkness gives off the vibe that you are trully watching them play on stage with spotlights on them. Fantastic work!

fabt: fan art brought together

Enjoy the work off Cassandra Jean. More of her fabulous work can be discovered on her tumblr account:

Robert and Michael uncapable of posing normally for a picture. The boys still look so young and carefree here. Unaware of the tragedy that lays in wait for them. No betrayal yet, no rejection after a love confession ... The boys are still best friends and look as if the world lays at their feet. Love it!

A 'what have could been' drawing of the two Parabatai if Robert hadn't been banned from Idris and hadn't distanciated himself from Michael after Michael confessed his love for Robert. Not to mention that Jace would have had to have truly been Michael's kid then instead of Stephen's. But as it is, Michael and Robert never got to take their kids on playdates and watch them grow up together as best friends. Robert never got to take Alec to play with his Parabatai's son and they didn't get to brag to each other about their children.
Love the way Jace hangs upside down full of glee, how Alec is perched on top of Robert's back with already unkept hair, how Robert's blue eyes stand out and how close Robert and Michael stand to each other. This drawing breathes out a close bond between the two older males. Wonderful! Sad, but beautiful.

So close to each other and now that we know of Michael's feelings for Robert ... Just look at them! Robert seems to be going to say: "What the heck do you think you're going to do, Michael?" And Michael's eyes are just drawn to Robert's lips, the man seemingly under Robert's spell and having only one thought left in his head ... to kiss those lips. The awareness rune on Robert's arm stands for Robert suddenly realizing Michael loves him in a romantical sense. Robert's facial expression is kinda harsh like he doesn't like where this is heading and Michael looks guilty and sad and apologetic or so as if the boy knows his attention is unwelcome for Robert. Super drawing. Notice again the blue of Robert's eyes.

This last one is not from Cassandra Jean, but from RoItsSomething. You can find RoItsSomething at tumblr:

Robert vs Michael and the soap. A cute joke that obviously refers to the 'no picking up soap' advice in the prison showers if you want to avoid close and intimate contact with your inmates. Love Michael's naughty, 'I am acting casual and am an innocent angel' attitude (yeah, we know better, Michael!) and how Robert's cheeks heat up beet red. No guessing what Robert is thinking about, LOL. Is the same thing on Michael's mind? Did he drop his soap on purpose with this intent? Poor Robert is in a hot pickle ... Adore it!

fabt: fan art brought together

From taratjah. You can find more art off this artist on deviantART:

Love the boys like this. Back to back, protecting each other's back ... Jace looks wicked with his facial expression and his two seraph blades. The boy is clearly in his element. And Alec with hiw bow ... yummy! Just look at those arm muscles! And that serious expression. Wish we'd see more off our two boys like this ...

Next one is from the hands off inma. You can find this artist also on deviantART:

Love how they look younger here. The pose is also nice. So close to each other and both looking so serious. They know what it means to have taken the oath of Parabatai and will protect each other with their life. Their black outfits are wicked cool! And the yellowish background works wonderful with the rest. Super!

One anew from taratjah. DeviantART page:

From "City of Heavenly Fire" when the boys talk about when Jace came to live at the Institute and they became Parabatai. It was such a cute moment and go Alec with his sass! He isn't the lovesick puppy anymore but gives back now. Our boy has grown up! Their expressions here are perfect! Just as I imagined them when I read this moment. The playfulness just spats off the drawing as it did in the book. Awesome!

Transcript out off City of Heavenly Fire from Cassandra Clare:

Jace: "The first time you saw me, I bet you didn't think, 'He's going to get me killed'"
Alec: "The first time I saw you, I wished you'd go back to Idris"
Jace: "I grew on you, though"
Alec: "Eventually, like moss, or a skin disease"
Jace: "You love me"

Found on Pinterest. No reference to whom made this though ...

Just a lovely illustrated Parabatai oath. I like the blue-green colour and how the line about death is placed on a tombstone whilst angel wings encompass the part about the Angel. It is pretty.

Again from Pinterest. Once again no idea who is behind it.

Love the two shots that got combined. Jace looking encompassed by gold and light to stress the "Angel boy" part and Alec's blue eyes standing out so much since this gets used as one of his most character traits. Just too bad the tekst isn't that easy to be read. It talks about how Alec didn't say "yes" straight away when Jace asked the boy to become his Parabatai.

Transcript from City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare:

"I remember when I asked if you wanted to be parabatai, and you said you needed a day to think about it. And then you came back and said yes, and when I asked you why you agreed to do it, you said it was because I needed someone to look after me. You were right. I never thought about it again, because I never had to. I had you, and you've always looked after me. Always." (Jace)

And the last one. Also discovered on Pinterest and also without a reference to the artist I fear ...

Look at Alec's sullen expression, LOL. He ain't so happy about hunting as Jace is. Jace is ready and to kick some demon butt with his blade and he's looking forward to it. Alec with his boy looks more like he is going to go to thedetist for a root canal procedure ... Notice how their skin is still bare. No runes ...  Notice also how Alec is paler as Jace.  Lovely to see the fair Alec combined with the bronzen Jace.  Great detail to think off.

fabt: fan art brought together

Cassandra Jean. Find more of her art on tumblr:

Jace at the piano. Magnus and Alec both in suit ... This can only be at Luke and Jocelyn's wedding. Just look how happy Alec is and how in love Magnus stares at his Shadowhunter. Magnus only has eyes for his Alec. Such a happy and cute scene. Love how we get Jace at the piano in the background.

Found on tumblr with no reference to who is behind the drawing. The style reminds me off Drei SJ but I can't find it right away back on her page ...

Alec with white wings to symbolize his Angel blood? In any case I love how he is hugging Magnus from behind with his wings spread out and cocooning them in. And how Magnus is loving having Alec there and has his hands clapsed over Alec's. Notice the small little heart beside Alec's face. LOVE!

From tumblr. An "askmalec" page or so ...  Here is the link:

Wonder if Alec is planning to throw the dagger at the spider and split it in two like that. But I am with Alec. I also hate the crunching sound they make when you squish them. Not to mention when they start running aorund frantically when you step beside them and miss them. Just imagine them crawling on you in their attempt to escape! *shivers* In any case, Magnus with his wonderful colorful hair sure seems to be thinking the dagger is a bit if overkill. As for not being allowed to kill the spider for Alec ... Alec is a brave, bad-ass Shadowhunter! Not a damsel in distress. He can handle one spider ... LOL Cute idea. And great to see Alec even sitting on a chair to put more distance between him and the spider.

Found on pinterest. No reference to the artist behind the work sadly enough ...  Found on this board on pinterest:

No offence but this is HOT as HELL! Magnus' hands restraining Alec's wrists ... The warlock also losing his cool and blue sparks surrounding his free hand ... Shit, this kinda reminds me of the fact that they are into bondage ... Alec is also restraint in his freedom here ... And super that there are runes on Alec's arms, some awesome looking tattoo on Magnus's wrist and the many rings on his fingers. PERFECT!

From tumblr anew, this site to be precise:

Not a fan of how Magnus' face was drawn but I am posting it here still since I like the total picture. The difference between day and night. Alec's sad regard. His cool, non-black! clothes. He can totally wear those light colors! Magnus has a wicked pair of pants on. And the text between them. Not to forget how their hands reach out for each other. They are seperated yet long to be together. Beautiful and meaningful.

And to end some Felwyn. You can find more of her work through her profile page on deviantART:

Some cute sketches of Alec and Magnus. I keep loving how she draws them. Magnus the diva and Alec, the blushing virgin, LOL. Adore also how Chairman Meow and Church are allowed to be in the "malec' logo. And look how content those little kitty cats look! Alec's sour look is nothing compared to their radiating smile!

How To Draw Jace Wayland Step By Step


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