
How To Create A Scientific Calculator In Python


I have been working on this calculator since last seven days. Worked whenever I got the time and finished it to the current shape, as shown below. This calculator is also carrying a converter within it. Please note that initially when you run the program, only main window that carries all the characters will get open, while the Converter window gets opened only when you click the Converter button that is present within the main window.

Look of the Scientific Calculator created using computer programming in Python and Tkinter.

This program uses few Python Packages, namely Tkinter, re (Regular Expressions) and math. If you know the coding, you definitely can change the code given below, but do remember to share it with me, I definitely would love to see. And if you are not a coder, but still want to use it, you need to do few things before using the code.

  1. Install Python
  2. Install a code editor, such as Pycharm
  3. Create a Python File,
  4. Copy Paste the code as given below, do not change even a comma or space.
  5. Run it.

Calculator as shown above will be there to serve your purpose.

Code Starts here:————————————————————————-

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
import re
import math as mt
root = Tk()
root.title("Calculator by Sanisha")

val = str()
Answers = ['0']
Last_Input = []
Main = Entry(root, justify="right", width=25, font=("ariel", 20), bg="powder blue", fg="darkgreen", borderwidth=5)
Main.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=4, padx=0, pady=2)
input_label = Label(root, text="Input: ")
input_label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=2)
Main_output = Entry(root, justify="right", width=25, font=("ariel", 20), bg="light green", fg="blue", borderwidth=5)
Main_output.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, padx=0, pady=2)
Output_label = Label(root, text="Output: ")
Output_label.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=2, pady=2)
e = Main
Output = Main_output
def button_click(number):
global e
b = number.widget
text = b['text']
if text == '=':
Output.delete(0, END)
val = str(e.get())
x = val
val = val.replace(f'{chr(175)}\u00b9', '**(-1)')
val = val.replace('√(', 'mt.sqrt(')
val = val.replace('Ans', str(Answers[-1]))
val = val.replace(f'{chr(710)}', '**')
val = val.replace('π', 'mt.pi')
val = val.replace('\u00b2', '**2')
val = val.replace('sin', f'mt.sin')
val = val.replace('cos', f'mt.cos')
val = val.replace('tan', f'mt.tan')

pattern4 = re.compile(r'(\d+[\.]?\d*)˚(\d*[\.]?\d*)\'?(\d*[\.]?\d*)"?')

matches4 = pattern4.finditer(x)

for match in matches4:
if match:
text = match[0]
a, b, c = 0, 0, 0
a = float(
a = 0
b = float( / 60
b = 0
c = float( / 3600
c = 0
deg = a + b + c
rad = mt.radians(deg)
val = val.replace(text, f'{rad}')
result = str(round(eval(val), 4))
Output.insert(0, result)
showerror("Error : ", e)
e.insert(END, text)

def button_clear1():
global Ans
Ans = Output.get()
e.delete(0, END)
Output.delete(0, END)

def bkspc():
stri = e.get()
length = len(stri) - 1
e.delete(length, END)

def button_Ans():
val1 = str(e.get()) + 'Ans'
e.delete(0, END)
e.insert(0, val1)

def button_last_input():
val1 = str(e.get())
e.delete(0, END)
val1 = str(val1) + Last_Input[-1]
e.insert(0, val1)

def button_x2():
x = str(e.get())
x2 = x + '\u00b2'
e.delete(0, END)
e.insert(0, x2)

def button_xinv():
x = str(e.get())
x2 = x + f'{chr(175)}\u00b9'
e.delete(0, END)
e.insert(0, x2)

def button_xn():
x = str(e.get())
e.delete(0, END)
xn = x + f'{chr(710)}'
e.insert(0, xn)

def button_dms():
x = str(e.get())
pattern1 = re.compile(r'(^\d|\+|\*|-|/|\()\d*[\.]?\d*$')
pattern2 = re.compile(r'˚\d+[\.]?\d*$')
pattern3 = re.compile(r'\'\d+[\.]?\d*$')

matches1 = pattern1.finditer(x)
matches2 = pattern2.finditer(x)
matches3 = pattern3.finditer(x)
for match in matches1:
if match:
e.insert(END, '˚')
for match in matches2:
if match:
e.insert(END, '\'')
for match in matches3:
if match:
e.insert(END, '"')

m = True

def button_CONV():
def reverse():
global m
m = False
global Output
root_CONV = Tk()
text1 = Output.get()
conv_window = Entry(root_CONV, justify="right", font=("ariel", 20), bg="powder blue", fg="darkgreen", borderwidth=5)
conv_window.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=10, pady=10)
e = conv_window
e.insert(0, text1)
def button_click1(number):
global m
b = number.widget
text = b['text']
words = text.split()
words_rev = list(reversed(words))
text_rev = " ".join(words_rev)
if m:
e.insert(END, text)
e.insert(END, text_rev)
m = True

def convert():
text2 = re.finditer(r'(^\d+\.?\d*)', e.get())
text3 = 0
for match in text2:
text3 =

if 'Acre to m\u00b2' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 4046.85642
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'm\u00b2 to Acre' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number/4046.85642
Output.insert(0, out)

if 'm to ft' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 3.2808399
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'ft to m' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number/3.2808399
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'kgs to lbs' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 2.20462262
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'lbs to kgs' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number/2.20462262
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'atm to kPa' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 101.325
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'kPa to atm' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number/101.325
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'gal(US) to Ltr' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 4.54609
Output.insert(0, out)
if 'Ltr to gal(US)' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number/4.54609
Output.insert(0, out)
if '˚C to ˚F' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = number * 9/5 + 32
Output.insert(0, out)
if '˚F to ˚C' in e.get():
number = float(text3)
out = (number -32) * 5/9
Output.insert(0, out)

button_len = Button(root_CONV, text="m to ft", width=12, height=3)
button_len.grid(row=1, column=0)
button_len.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_weight = Button(root_CONV, text="kgs to lbs", width=12, height=3)
button_weight.grid(row=1, column=1)
button_weight.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_area = Button(root_CONV, text="Acre to m\u00b2", width=12, height=3)
button_area.grid(row=1, column=2)
button_area.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_pressure = Button(root_CONV, text="atm to kPa", width=12, height=3)
button_pressure.grid(row=2, column=0)
button_pressure.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_vol = Button(root_CONV, text="gal(US) to Ltr", width=12, height=3)
button_vol.grid(row=2, column=1)
button_vol.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_temp = Button(root_CONV, text="˚C to ˚F", width=12, height=3)
button_temp.grid(row=2, column=2)
button_temp.bind('<Button-1>', button_click1)
button_convert = Button(root_CONV, text="convert", width=22, height=3, activebackground='light green', fg="red", command = convert)
button_convert.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2)
button_reverse = Button(root_CONV, text="Reverse", width=12, height=3, activebackground='purple', fg="red",
command= reverse)
button_reverse.grid(row=3, column=0)

temp = 1

for i in range(2, 5):
for j in range(3):
btn = Button(root, text = str(temp), font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, highlightbackground='light blue', activeforeground='red', activebackground='white')
btn.grid(row=i, column=j)
btn.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
temp += 1

button_0 = Button(root, text="0", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, highlightbackground='light blue')
button_0.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_equal = Button(root, text="=", fg="blue", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"),highlightbackground='light green', width=12, height=3)
button_equal.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_clear = Button(root, text="Clear", fg="red", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), highlightbackground='light yellow', width=12, height=3, command=button_clear1)
button_pi = Button(root, text="π", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, highlightbackground='light blue')
button_pi.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_bkspc = Button(root, text="bksps", fg="red", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command= bkspc)

button_add = Button(root, text="+", fg="green", highlightbackground='pink', font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_add.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_sub = Button(root, text="-", fg="brown", highlightbackground='pink', font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_sub.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_mul = Button(root, text="*", fg="dark green", highlightbackground='pink', font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_mul.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_div = Button(root, text=" /", fg="purple", highlightbackground='pink', font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_div.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_sqrt = Button(root, text="√(", fg="red", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_sqrt.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)

button_Ans = Button(root, text="Last Output", highlightbackground='yellow', fg="dark green", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command= button_Ans)
button_last_input = Button(root, text="Last Input", highlightbackground='yellow', fg="dark green", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command= button_last_input)
button_CONV = Button(root, text="CONV", fg="grey", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command=button_CONV)
button_x2 = Button(root, text="x\u00b2", fg="grey", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command=button_x2)
button_xn = Button(root, text=f"x{chr(710)}n", fg="grey", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command=button_xn)
button_left_brace = Button(root, text="(", fg="red", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_left_brace.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_right_brace = Button(root, text=")", fg="red", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_right_brace.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_sin = Button(root, text="sin(", fg="brown", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_sin.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_cos = Button(root, text="cos(", fg="brown", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_cos.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_tan = Button(root, text="tan(", fg="brown", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_tan.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_dms = Button(root, text="˚'\"", fg="brown", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command= button_dms)
button_dot = Button(root, text=".", fg="brown", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3)
button_dot.bind('<Button-1>', button_click)
button_xinv = Button(root, text=f"x{chr(175)}\u00b9", font=("Ariel", 15, "bold"), width=12, height=3, command=button_xinv)

button_xinv.grid(row=2, column=3)
button_x2.grid(row=3, column=3)
button_xn.grid(row=4, column=3)

button_0.grid(row=5, column=0)
button_add.grid(row=5, column=1)
button_div.grid(row=5, column=2)
button_pi.grid(row=5, column=3)

button_dot.grid(row=6, column=0)
button_sub.grid(row=6, column=1)
button_mul.grid(row=6, column=2)
button_last_input.grid(row=6, column=3)

button_left_brace.grid(row=7, column=0)
button_dms.grid(row=7, column=1)
button_sqrt.grid(row=7, column=2)
button_Ans.grid(row=7, column=3)

button_right_brace.grid(row=8, column=0)
button_CONV.grid(row=8, column=1)
button_clear.grid(row=8, column=3)
button_bkspc.grid(row=8, column=2)

button_sin.grid(row=9, column=0)
button_cos.grid(row=9, column=1)
button_tan.grid(row=9, column=2)
button_equal.grid(row=9, column=3)

fontMenu = ('', 15)
menubar = Menu(root)
mode = Menu(menubar, font=fontMenu)
mode.add_command(label="Scientific Calculator")
menubar.add_cascade(label="Mode", menu=mode)



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How To Create A Scientific Calculator In Python


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