
5 free Web tools to organize your thoughts - caballeroarriess

You're full of good ideas, but putting them in writing is easier said than done. Maybe you like to start from the end. Maybe you bring on from jumbled notes, bit by bit polishing them into a united piece. No substance what your workflow, a good outliner can help.

More than like mind maps, outliners are thinking aids. But while creative thinker maps appeal to visual thinkers, outliners are great for working directly with textual matter. Both are hierarchical: In a mind map, a main idea branches out into sub-ideas, which then branch out even further. In an schema, a master topic has sub-topics, each with its own sub-sub-topics. And, just equally it is with a mind map, what you do with an scheme is equal to you: You can use information technology for drafting text, but information technology also works well every bit a to-do list for a undertaking.

The best outliners rest prohibited of your way, letting you focalise on your text without thinking virtually the user interface. Roughly outliners even up let you forget active the computer you're victimisation: Cloud-supported versions are accessible victimization any computer, as long As you're using a modern web browser and have an Internet connection. The four cloud-based and individualistic browser-based products reviewed Hera are useful, but their appeal varies depending on your level of commitment to outlining. Each 1 starts out free.

The Outliner of Giants

Many Vane apps go for the Google approach. They essa to impress with a distributed homepage decorated by a large leading image. Non The Outliner of Giants. Its homepage features a wall of monospaced text offset away an orange banner, and cardinal single button ("Check in with Google"). This no-nonsense enhancive sets the look for The Outliner of Giants: IT takes outlining seriously.

The Outliner of Giants is really full-featured, down to letting you highlight nodes in different colors.

IT's easy to get started with The Outliner of Giants. You Don't even pauperism a new-sprung drug user answer for: Just log-in with your Google credential. Clicking the top-ripe corner leads you to an Outline Virtually Outliners, a papers covering the history and treat of this useful chore.

Flatbottomed the documentation takes the chassis of an outline in the Outliner of Giants.

The Outliner of Giants uses operative commands for many alkalic features: Come in adds a new node; Space edits the current cardinal; Tab and Geological fault-Tabloid indents and outdents nodes. One feature that's sorely missing, all the same, is Undo. I once incidentally converted a single node into its own delineate (i.e, "tore it out" of an existing outline) and was unable to regress the change.

Because an delineate is a rigidly hierarchical document, IT's important to follow able to tag your nodes. This allows you to easily face at all of your nodes that involve a doomed character in a story (for example), disregarding where it appears in the secret plan. The Outliner of Giants supports tagging, but not via panduriform, Chirrup-like hashtags: You motive to hit Ctrl-T and substitute a dedicated tagging field.

In the main, The Outliner of Giants feels powerful and robust—perhaps a bit too robust for effortless outliners to use. Its crisp, retro aesthetic is enjoyable, and you can customize it in umpteen ways, from the musical theme to the syntax you wish well to use in your notes (Textile, Markdown, or a rich text editor program). The free-soil plan limits you to five outlines, but the paid one ($10/year) offers unlimited outlines, as well as more space for files, more collaborators, and other perks.


Fargo feels decidedly Thomas More modern than the Outliner of Giants. Information technology golf links with your Dropbox account, and it saves any changes you make to your outlines into Dropbox As OPML files (a format commonly used for exchanging information between outliners). Unlike The Outliner of Giants, Fargo is solely free.

Fargo looks clean and modern-day, with far less chromium-plate on the screen than The Outliner of Giants.

Fargo lets you make text bold or italic victimization keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-I and Ctrl-B, as you'd expect), merely oddly enough, information technology does non include a keyboard shortcut for creating a link (it does offer a button for this). You can also use the keyboard to reorganize your draft, promoting, demoting, and moving nodes around PR.

Fargo supports many keyboard shortcuts, and displays them in an overlay similar to the one Gmail uses.

Fargo offers somewhat pocket-sized support for formatting your text using Markdown, just it will render only when you export the file. Until you practise, whatsoever text you marked as bold will retributory show surrounded with two asterisks, even once you're done redaction the node. This feels irreconcilable, because if you use the toolbar clit operating theatre Ctrl-B to make text bold face, it immediately renders as bold.

One feature notably lacking from Fargo is text edition search. There's no style to search through your outline. If you're working with a large outline that is mostly collapsed, that could leave you blindly rummaging through the outline looking the node you need. In that location is too no support for tagging nodes, or any kinda filtering, making Fargo useful mainly for little outlines in which you won't easily get unoriented.


Checkvist is a fast, mature, polished outliner with advanced keyboard shortcuts. Where most outliners (and applications in general) use Ctrl-key combinations, Checkvist uses Vitality-like keystroke sequences. Want to add a note to a client? Stumble 'nn'. To open the actions context carte du jour, tap 'aa', then use the arrow keys to navigate it.

One of the coolest things about Checkvist is its uncomparable shortcut keys.

Unequal Fargo, Checkvist lets you easily undo operations with a quick beg of Ctrl-Z, or by clicking a clit connected the screen. You can also filter your outline according to tags, keywords, or due dates. Research is springy: Just start typewriting, and the name filters down to whatsoever you'atomic number 75 typewriting. If the lymph node you pauperization is collapsed, Checkvist will automatically expand it and highlight the thread you'Re typewriting. And disdain altogether of this mightiness, Checkvist is very responsive and fast.

Checkvist lets you undo operations, a sport not gettable on all outliners.

Checkvist supports its have schoolbook-only syntax for including links, and you can use HTML tags for making schoolbook bold or italic, or adding images. Markdown support is available, but it's switched sour by default. You can enable it in the settings.

Checkvist's free translation offers much than enough functionality for most users. If you need full HTTPS support, file out attachment, repeating tasks, and labor assignment options (for collaborating with others), the paid version costs $3 per month.

Oak Outliner

Oak tree Outliner is as simple as IT comes. Reckon Notepad, only if in your web browser, and with some outlining features. Information technology lives in your browser, only non in the haze over, so IT does few things a little differently from what you'd look from a autochthonic application or justified a cloud-based service. Most notably, IT saves the outline as HTML5 local storage, automatically and in the background. Also, you stool't edit more than one outline at a time in the browser. Within these minimalist confines, however, it gets the Book of Job done.

Oak Outliner feels almost like Notepad in your browser.

Corresponding any outliner, Oak tree Outliner lets you collapse nodes, indention and outdent them, and shuffle them around. You can also arrange textual matter using Markdown. That's just about it.

It doesn't tender a way to filter nodes according to tags, search collapsed nodes, operating theatre an definitive way to save your work. In that respect's no export functionality, either. While most outliners Lashkar-e-Tayyiba you export to OPML, Oak Outliner's export features are limited to copying and pasting your act upon into other document.

Oak tree Outliner is simple to use, but it does admit documentation, in case.

What you gain with Oak tree Outliner is restraint. Thither's much nil to fiddle with: It's just a page with text. It doesn't require an Internet connection, and it has no exploiter accounts. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes worldly software can get in your way rather than assistanc you get things done. Not Oak Outliner, which is about as bare bones as it gets. It's also completely free.


WorkFlowy is an outliner that wants to change the way you manage data. It starts out as a single passe-partout document, but it encourages you to create an ever-deeper hierarchy, starting with two overarching topics, "Work," and "Personal." From there, you backside begin outlining and journaling your entire life.

With its elegant looks and tidy interface, WorkFlowy is a joy to use.

Yes, information technology's ambitious, and I'm non expression you have to habituate WorkFlowy this way. But WorkFlowy just might be polished enough to rive it off. Its interface uses animations in a kidney-shaped, non-distracting way that makes everything feel more engaging. IT features superior keyboard shortcuts, and you can use information technology as a to-answer list and mark items equally completed.

As befitting a product that prides itself on supporting a deep hierarchy, WorkFlowy lets you tag items exploitation both hashtags and citizenry (@name), and it smoothly autocompletes your tags supported any tags you've created before. It also has live search, for quickly and effectively filtering your outlines. And to facilitate you enjoyment its power, documentation is offered as a series of short, direct videos demonstrating every vista of the product.

What really makes WorkFlowy special is how it handles scoping. Many outliners let you rapid climb in happening a ad hoc node and make the rest of the outline disappear. Just on that point's something about the WorkFlowy interface, and the animation used for zooming, that makes a zoomed-in node find like its own text file. If you do use WorkFlowy to outline your entire lifespan, you'd likely have to ascent from the free version (which is limited to 500 monthly documents) to the $5/month contrive (which supports unlimited outlines and includes Dropbox sync).

When zooming in on a subnode in WorkFlowy, it feels like its own document.

Craft your writing with an outliner that thinks like you do

It doesn't take extended to determine which outliner works the way you do. Just pick one of these five—they'Ra all unloose to start—and see where it takes you. Nary matter which you ending up choosing, or even if you outline using but a regular text editor or Microsoft Word (which has an outlining mode of its own), creating an outline of your ideas is a great way to overcome writer's block and read what you have to say.


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