Introduction: Rough Hologram Like Effects With Lasers and Radiance Dyes (with Prisms).


I am devising a crude character of Holograph, not a true type Hologram by victimization a 100-200 mw Empurpled 405 nm with the following dyes (Pink Magic Creator- Rhodamine B, Sodium fluorescein, Tonic- 80 mg per L Quinine sulphate, Palmolive soap, and Tide HD easy lay 10 ml in 50 ml of water).

I will be showing how to extract the Rhodamine B from Pink Markers with Pliers and a small shoetree cutter to remove the lining of the marker with the substrate medium and the dye.

Note that apodictic holograms use lasers and very expensive mirrors and beam splitters. A person belik cannot afford a 2000+ dollar true beam splitter for internal use. I mean on eBay you can find decent beam splitters for lasers but I send away not find 405 nm or ones for different wavelengths to make a hologram with multiple dyes. You would for a true hologram show use a 5 mw to 10 mw laser Not a high-powered laser at 100 to 200 mw.

Warning: These dyes are Irritating and do smear. The lasers at 100-200 mw can burn things and you need good safety goggles for 405 nm. I recommend much good 62 dollar laser safety goggles. They can cause permanent blindness and set matches on fire.

They allege OD 6 for 400 nm or SO but People let measured IT at 2.5 Doctor of Optometry. For a 250 mw Over-embellished laser and different shine outcomes, this would personify effective at reducing the askant air around 200-250 mw max. If u are working with 500 mw Laser beams you want 200 dollar good glass laser beams. These are fine for Classify 3B not Class 4 lasers.


Pattern supplies.

7 away 7-inch Attractive force stir bar they can be 100 dollars Normal Price.

High Powered laser Module surgery Pointer 80 to 200 mw, Max.

Prisms 20 dollars on Amazon. 6 cm, 1 cm, 2 cm (L, W, H).

Beakers 100-200 ml, Big size of it, Perpendicular generous Shake up Jams.

Stir Rods small and big 0.5 cm, to 2 cm.

Digital scale and Potentiall

Stands and clamps to hold lasers and other stuff.

Bricks to hold the clinch.

Sink to wash away solutions and attractable stir bar retriever.


Sodium resorcinolphthalei 99 percent- eBay, Amazon, Or Laboratory suppliers.

Rhodamine B, (eBay 50 g for 50 dollars Russia fed),

Operating room Pink Wizardly Markers from or Amazon River.California. number 20/gp/product/B003UDGUCQ/ref=pp...

Tensity water (Quinne sulfate 80 mg a L). Any local store.

Tide HD soap, Whatsoever Pharmacy, etc.

Palmolive Soap (Serve up detergent type).

Step 1: Theory of How Rock oil Holograms Work and Where Bewilder Lasers.

Mirrors and a magnetic scaremonger and hot plate are used. A powerful optical maser 100 mw to 200 mw is fired into a beaker which causes the dyes to glow in different colors. If you move the dyes manually with the beaker the optical maser beam shines on the Aluminium foil or other stuff and reflects the light off the beaker onto the Aluminum foil this also works with the 10 X, 7-in focusable Mirror.

My laser has dropped down to 80 mw so it is weak I am waiting for a 200 mw powerful 405 nm laser.

It is also important to run the laser with a duty cycle in mind. My old optical maser was 20 minutes On, 3 minutes off this cools the laser down and will protect the optical maser from prematurely passionate knocked out. If your laser does not incorporate a fan thereto, you may need to cool it with a small fan.

The laser is reflected onto three mirrors or deuce mirrors (Two mirrors onto the side of the table 15 centimeter away from the stirrer. With one of my projects, the laser was shinning 90 degrees flat on the rod a few cm aside from the prism.

Here some videos on Lasers and wavelengths. You could also use a low powered 100-200 mw optical maser pointer with a 3.7-V lithium battery with Recharger. It how to develop the lasers and few info.

eBay I recommend Laser Land type lasers.

Push-button lasers I do not recommend since it testament be impossible to align and charge and keep the laser on. This is besides dangerous the laser could easily blow if you taped the switch. (Laser 303 Royal 405 micromillimeter burning optical maser.)

Step 2: Preparing the Dyes. Fluorescein and Rhodamine B. Part 1.

Sodium Fluorescein dye. You can get it from Illusion markers by adding water or fermentation alcohol, etc to a 600 mil beaker and prying open the dye's content. You then squeeze while wearing gloves and PPE the dyestuff out of the marker liner. Each marker contains 10 ml of 1 percent of the dyestuff.

My picture show how to take away both the Yellow markers and the Pinkish Markers from their container. This is cheap to do 2 to 3 dollars for 2 markers in 100 ml of water. You could filter it and boil IT down only I choose to save information technology as a solution (as is.).

You can add 100 ml of ethanol or Isoproponal Intoxicant.

If you give birth magic markers that are yellow you can extract them in that video. Or you can buy Sodium fluorescent dye 50 g happening eBay for 60 dollars yes it is quite expensive. You only need a few grams of the sodium fluoresceine chemical in water.

You could boil them down with ethanol in a well-ventillated arena to fetch the crystals of Sodium fluorescein or buy the crystals and add together the urine to the 1 g of the crystals. Weighing out the crystals.

Step 3: Making Dilute Tide HD Soap and Palmolive Soap Solutions. Disunite 2.

Here I am adding 30-35 ml of Palmolive soap (Dishwashing machine) type to 100 cubic centimetre of water with 100 ml of Soda pop piddle the video will show how it can be quickly done.

I am non sure what the glowing dye is in Palmolive soap detergent? If anyone knows toilet they make a annotate so I can research that. I know Tide HD is a Stillibine chemical.

Step 4: Making Lunar time period HD With Stilbene Chemicals.

In order to make a cut glowing sample, you add 100 mil Tide HD for Washers to 150 c of tap water I testament consume more pictures and post them here.

I cannot ease up very much of information hither since it is selfsame simple your mixing 100 ml tide with 150 ml water. The stilbene chemical can personify quite lowset 1-2 percent average. Indeed 100 ml in 150 will contribute you 1 percent times 100/250 = 0.4 per centum Stillibine to 0.8 percent.

Footstep 5: Laser Holograms With Mirrors (Palmolive Soap and Lunar time period).

We lay out a paper 11 by 11 inches with an adhesive sticky side of the Shaping mirror on the composition and it leave adhere very quickly nearly instantly. Here the next step.

Under a 7 away 7 or greater Magnetic stirrer or Hotplate (Not victimisation the Hot shell function for this Project), we have with the stands the laser arsenic flat and low every bit realistic with the stand and clamp.

Here the type of clamp I am victimization...

The optical prism is settled a couple of cm from two beakers with a min stir rod.

Step 6: Pink Magical Markers and Sodium Fluorescein Dye Hologram.

In this slip, we have the convex mirror right in head-on of the Hot plate about 10 cm above the hot plate. A mirror a fake Mirror made from Aylcric is placed underneath the scorching plate or Magnetic stirrer (Or both).

Depend upon what dye you are using you, Crataegus laevigata neediness to put off the dye in a elastic bottle (Alcohol bottles) to store them. Observe them in a darkened area away from light or heat.

Have the mirrors One directly in figurehead of the Mirrors before of the Mirror and one left field surgery compensate of the White home base-Attractive force stirrer, etc. This leave produce a crude type of holograph.

Step 7: Some Final Steps.

Here I leave endeavor to explicate the hologram effects of having a 5 inch to 7-inch mirror and having a optical maser shine into a prism at low levels. My clamps are normal 1.5 foot in distance good quality clamps with bricks to keep the clamp from falling into the beakers with (Lasers 404 nanometre, 100-200 nm) into the solutions.

Banker's bill that the prisms are fragile and great care in not breaking them is required. If they fall they will shatter into a million pieces. They are rather cheap.

Make convinced to keep the lasers at an weight that is flat and do not embody eye level with the laser this is dangerous you could sustain an Ambagious rack up from the laser beam. Laser safety is VERY IMPORTANT.

Also You tush use separator tubes 50 ml and bring dye glowing dye thereto and get the solutions to cling happening a wire over a 600 to 700 ml beaker. You can add a conjure gat 0.5 cm ace to a solution and revolve about IT equally. A optical prism could be added to information technology and you can add different dyes thereto.

Step 8: Ultimate Conclusions.

These types of Holograms with glass and Mirrors and pliant mirrors on a hotplate with Wallpaper or Aluminum baffle is very interesting Jut.

As I said normal holograms use expensive ray of light splitters and are usually one type of laser and unmatchable colouring, non multiple colors as explained with the dyes Hera. Rhodamine 6B is an another option but you need to extract and filter information technology with only Isoproponyl alc.

Holograms on Wiki.

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